Monday, December 14, 2009

Ice Fog!

We have had a solid week of ice fog. It's been horrible!! I had no idea how depressing fog could be....I usually enjoy it and think its really pretty. But, that's when it is foggy in patches here and there and passes after a few hours. Not when it is all the way to the ground making it impossible to see anything past the taillights of the vehicle in front of you, let alone for 7 days straight! I took a few pictures of the trees in the backyard on Monday during a rare break in the fog. We're lucky here, Anchorage definitely suffered a denser fog with fewer breaks. We've had quite a bit of wind and no snow prior to the fog, so this is all ice on the trees. It's thicker than I've ever seen here. At the time it was only about 7 degrees, so I wasn't really tempted to go outside for a better shot! ;O)

Here's a shot from today. Now that the fog has let up, the snow moved in. We're supposed to get up to 8 inches today, but I wanted one more shot of the ice before it really started snowing.

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