On Saturday we all loaded up in the truck and took a trip down to Girdwood. The goal was to hit the Wildlife Center in Portage and the Double Musky for dinner. I'd never been to either one and was pretty excited to check them out. The restaurant was less than spectacular in my opinion, but, I did enjoy the Wildlife Center. You definitely get much closer to the animals here than the ones at the zoo!
Owen's eyes are really squinty here, but, I loved this picture of the bear watching him. This bear was a cutie and made you want to reach in and hug her....until, you looked at the size of her paws and the claws on the end of them!!! She was a talker though, one of the employees happened to be standing there throwing some treats to her. This one waited for the food to come right to her instead of getting up for what she missed and would groan every now and then for more.
These are mostly pictures of the views, it seemed like the backdrop for this property was amazing regardless of which direction you were looking. We'd had several days of heavy low hanging fog and this day was no exception. But, we were lucky, Girdwood and Portage seemed to be the only sunny spot in the state...it was nice to see some blue sky even if the drive there and back was dark and dreary!
Owen had a blast with my camera, I haven't downloaded those yet, but, I'm interested to see what he saw from his perspective. So....I took two cameras....and yet, I still didn't end up with one...figure that out! Like father, like son, I suppose!
The elk and the caribou were in rut and pretty feisty! They were hollering at us the whole time we were there and kept a very close watch of their perimeters. I'd never heard either one talk before, so, I thought it was pretty cool...I think Owen was impressed too!
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