Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blog Face Lift!

I don't have any pictures for today. We had major reports due yesterday, so this week has been a bit stressful and spent at work. I came home early from work today though because I'm sick yet again!! On the way home, I grabbed Owen from daycare and attempted to put him down for his nap in hopes of getting one myself. Apparently, that wasn't what he had in mind. So, I've been playing with this blog to spice it up some while I wait for him to cry himself to sleep. As you can see, it took a while today!! This may be a little much, but it was so much fun!!! If you have or are interested in starting your own blog, you have to check out!!! I'm having Owen's 2-year/Easter photos done tomorrow morning, so I will definitely have more pictures to add tomorrow.

Volcano Update: The volcano has continued to erupt on a smaller scale continuously since last Saturday. According to the AVO, the eruptions are causing small amounts of steam and ash to be released, but the plumes are staying at low elevations preventing us from getting any additional fall far anyway!! ;o)

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