Monday, August 12, 2013

Little Monkey...

Just a couple snapshots today.  My Mom, Will, and Shawn upgraded me to CS6 for my, I just have to relearn EVERYTHING! ;O)  That's why my pictures are so blurry.  Photoshop eliminated the need to manually reduce the images for blogging, so, when I do, it pixilates the snot out of them!  Anyway, I think I've got it figured and they should improve from here on out.  These are still a little off though I see.  Sorry!!

Unlike the rest of the normal world, we are encouraging our 1 year old to take a pacifier still these days.  She sucks her fingers constantly lately.  The molar that was pushing up before seems to have subsided, but, she still seems to be in pain.  Anyway, this was an especially bad day, but, thought she was too cute not to take some photos.

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